St Francis Bulletin
October 2017, Volume 24, Issue 8
From the Rector
Fr. Len Giacolone
First of all I want to thank Father Christopher Guptill for being with you for the past two weeks and Father Richard Moseley for coming on October 1st. I needed some time off and I am grateful to them for making it possible.
The big news this month is the consecration of our new Church. Bishop Iker will be here on Saturday, October 28, at 11:00 am to consecrate our new church building and to confirm Liberty Smith.
In my nearly forty-five years as a priest I have only participated in one such consecration. It was a truly impressive ceremony, one that I will never forget. Consecrations take different forms in different jurisdictions but the intent is always the same: to set apart the structure for something holy. It is my understanding that the building on W. 9th Street had been consecrated. But that was before my time and therefore before any of yours. Some of you may have had the opportunity to participate in the consecration of some other church. But this one is special. We have watched this building go up almost piece by piece. And although we will have been using the building for nearly three months by the time of the consecration, this ceremony is no less special. I mentioned to you on the very first Sunday we were in the building that because of the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament in the sanctuary, the church portion of the building was already a sacred place and to be used only for sacred things. The consecration will put an official stamp on that proclamation. It is my hope that the church will become for us and for God a lasting testament to his love and mercy among us. Please try to come for this monumental event in the life of our parish. It only happens once in the life of a church. You don't want to miss it.
Along with the consecration I want to emphasize that our new church should look new for as long into the future as possible. By the time we left Burnet Road, the place looked like it had been, shall we say, well used. While it was not a new building when we got there, it had been completely redone before our use. I don't think a lot of people noticed how messy it had gotten. I don't want that to happen at our new place. Our new building needs to be treated as if Jesus himself lives there, which he does.
Steve McCown
We have moved into our wonderful new building and I know everyone appreciates the beauty and dignity it lends to our worship. Of course, because it is so new that means that we are all learning where everything is. So, if you're looking for the donations table for the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center you can find it just outside the nursery.
Our parish chapter of Anglicans for Life is interested in all aspects of pro-life ministry and supports the sanctity of human life in all its developmental stages. Promoting the sanctity of the lives of pre-born babies is especially critical given the frequency of abortion in our country. Did you know –
• 1 in 3 women will have an abortion by age 45
• 58% of women who have an abortion are in their 20s
• 73% of women who have an abortion are religiously affiliated
• America has the highest abortion rate of any western industrialized nation
We are, however, very hopeful and dare to believe that perhaps we have turned the corner. Increasing numbers of young people are joining the pro-life movement, the number of abortion centers is declining and the number of pregnancy resource centers is increasing and there has been more pro-life legislation passed in the past three years than in the entire previous decade.
We like to think that the St. Francis AFL chapter, through its support of the Austin Pregnancy Center and many pro-life initiatives, is helping with this progress. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the 11:00 service. Everyone is welcome, so please feel free to drop in and see what we're doing.
Missy Bernard
We are very excited to be holding classes in our new church! Everything seems to be working smoothly in the upstairs classrooms so far. Currently, the larger room has been divided into a classroom area for the younger Sunday School children (age 3 to 4th grade) and a playroom for toddlers and up (staffed with a nursery aide for both services plus occasional volunteers for the 11:00).
Denise Gentsch, Sue Orr, and Missy Bernard began the younger Sunday school year with a lesson on St. Francis of Assisi, followed by a lesson on Genesis. We plan to continue with the One Room Sunday School curriculum, adding other lessons and curricula as appropriate.
The older Sunday School class is meeting across the hall and is taught by Doug Cooper. He is excited to have such a large group this year!
As always, all the St. Francis youth begin each Sunday in the sanctuary for the first part of the service, and then move to the classrooms.
We thank you for your patience as we've been getting the rooms arranged. Please don't hesitate to forward any suggestions you may have to any of the teachers or to Missy Bernard for nursery-related concerns.
Extra thanks go to our nursery aides and to all the St. Francis parishioners who have helped with moving, organizing, decorating, helping in the nursery, and teaching!.
What is the tabernacle?
Amy Crandell

St. Francis' Tabernacle

St. Francis' Sanctuary Lamp
Fr. Len mentioned in his article as well as in the September newsletter that the sanctuary and nave are not only where we worship, but a sacred place, due to the blessed sacrament now reserved in the tabernacle.
I have had enough questions asked about this that I thought I would put some information in one article. A couple of definitions: the nave is where the congregation sits and where the lectern and pulpit are. The sanctuary is the area beyond the communion rails. The tabernacle is the brass fixture with a dome that is now located directly under the crucifix on the reredos - which appears similar to a shelf at St. Francis. (A reredos can be quite ornate). The blessed sacrament is the wine and communion wafers consecrated during the mass.
When St. Francis became a part of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Fr. Len knew there were certain norms and practices that all churches in the Diocese were to follow - called Customary. This page describes what is meant by customary in more detail.
In Section III, this text on the Reserved Sacrament appears:
The Blessed Sacrament is to be reverently reserved (generally in one kind) in a tabernacle or aumbry in the church. This reservation is indicated by a Presence Lamp (or Sanctuary Lamp), which is kept burning at all times. This lamp is preferably of clear, uncolored glass (not red), and the sanctuary candle is to be white.
The Blessed Sacrament in reserve is to be replenished on a regular basis. Only ordained persons are to lock or unlock the tabernacle (or aumbry) and remove the Sacrament from or replace it in the tabernacle.
Fr. Len took the opportunity in the furnishing of the new sanctuary to include a sanctuary lamp and a place for the tabernacle on a reredos. Prior to moving to this location, the Altar Guild members removed the empty tabernacle from the altar after the last service each Sunday. Because the tabernacle is no longer empty after a service - it will always contain the blessed or consecrated bread and/or wine - the tabernacle will permanently stay on the reredos.
The presence or sanctuary lamp is on the left side of the sanctuary and is never extinguished as it indicates the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and thus in the nave and sanctuary.
Hope this answers some questions you might have. Fr. Len is more than happy to answer questions as well.

40 Days for Life is a volunteer based prayer campaign that draws attention to the injustice of abortion through three simple avenues:
• Prayer and fasting
• Community outreach & Education
• Constant peaceful vigil
The fall campaign for 40 Days for Life in Austin began Sept. 27 and runs through Nov. 5, 2017.
Austin once again has three abortion clinics:
· Planned Parenthood at 201 E Ben White Blvd
· Austin Women's Health at 1902 South IH35 (just south of Woodland)
· Whole Women's Clinic at 8401 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd (just north of 183 on the north bound access road).
Prayer volunteers commit to pray for one hour or more each week during the 40 day vigil in front of one of the abortion facilities in Austin.
If you are interested in participating in this life-saving campaign or in helping to coordinate the campaign, email or call the Central Texas Coalition for Life office at 512.296.2071.
If you have questions about this volunteer position, Becky Hunt, Jim Crandell and Amy Crandell have participated in the most recent campaigns and would more that happy to speak to you.
Diocese News
As of this writing, the diocese home page has a few articles that may be of interest to you:
- Bishop Iker visited Mision Santa Cruz, Houston for his annual visit and confirmation. He also delivered a check for $11K to help with flood damage from Hurricane Harvey.
- In the news section are there articles dated Sept 19:
- This page shows activities from other parishes in our diocese.
- This is the calendar of events in the diocese.

- We the People of God as Saint Francis Anglican Church are a community of believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ whose mission it is to spread that Gospel in what we preach and in the way we live.
- We are called to know the Word of God, to act on it in our lives and to share it with our brothers and sisters in the world.
- We are determined to hold the ancient faith of our ancestors in the Anglican tradition, to uphold traditional Christian values based on the Holy Word of God and to be faithful witnesses to the person of Jesus in the Austin Community.
- St. Francis parish is dedicated to the presence of Christ in the lives of the poor, the needy, the sick, to each other and to all those to whom Jesus comes to minister in His life on earth.
- As a community of believers, we intend to entrust our growth in love, in faith and in resources to the generosity of God.
5 Kevin Burnette
6 Gideon Hatley
8 Mary Sanders
13 Gayle Harrell, Ella Collins
15 Sasha Jacobs
18 Rudy Montalvo
25 Ed Sandlin
26 Cherrie Smith
28 David Norris
29 Kerry Glenn
30 John Hatley
2 John and Christina Hatley
3 Len and Nancy Giacolone
7 Robert and Rory Motl
13 Ed and Katie Sandlin
Readings for October
10/1 16th after Trinity (Proper 21)
- Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32
- Psalm 25:1-14
- Philippians 2:1-13
- Matthew 21:28-32
10/8 17th after Trinity (Proper 22)
- Isaiah 5:1-7
- Psalm 80:7-14
- Philippians 3:14-21
- Matthew 21:33-43
10/15 18th after Trinity (Proper 23)
- Isaiah 25:1-9
- Psalm 23
- Philippians 4:4-13
- Matthew 22:1-14
10/22 19th after Trinity (Proper 24)
- Isaiah 45:1-7
- Psalm 96:1-9
- 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
- Matthew 22:15-22
10/29 20th after Trinity (Proper 25)
- Exodus 22:21-27
- Psalm 1
- ·1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
- Matthew 122:34-46
St. Francis follows the 1979 BCP Lectionary for the lessons (we are finishing up Year A) with the text read from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The Sunday collects and text of the psalms are from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
On the second and fourth Sundays, the psalm is chanted at the 11:00 service. The psalm markup is based on the Cathedral Psalter and is a part of the St. Francis Psalter - a multi-year project to post the psalms for chanting on our website.
October Calendar
Rector: The Rev. Canon Len Giacolone
Music Director and Organist: Paula Blaha
Church Groups Leadership
Our parish has many groups to carry out our mission. Here are more details on most of the activities
Our vestry is our governing board and is comprised of 9 members 8 of whom are elected to a 3-year term. The elections are staggered so that we elect 2-3 members each year at the January annual meeting. The Vestry meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 pm In general, the Vestry is responsible to make decisions on behalf of the parish. Anyone can come to observe a meeting.
Senior Warden, David Norris
Junior Warden, John Hatley
Secretary, Kevin Burnette
Treasurer, Grady Collins
Vestry Members
Class of 2018: Don St.Martin, Ed Sandlin, John Hatley
Class of 2019: Brendle Glomb, David Norris, Kevin Burnette
Class of 2020: Missy Bernard, Dinah Arce
Fr. Len Giacolone
An acolyte serves at the altar during the Sunday services - lighting the candles, carrying the processional cross, helping prepare Communion, and assisting the Priest. Under the direction of Fr. Len, we have a team of five who serve periodically.
Altar Guild
Led by Becky Hunt, this group of 14 is responsible for assisting the Priest in preparing for services at St. Francis. They are divided into teams and setup and cleanup the altar (among many other duties) for all the services that week. New members are always welcome. Email Becky Hunt with questions.
Anglicans for Life
Formed in April of 2009 and affiliated with the global organization, the St. Francis chapter generally meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm. Anglicans for Life is the global Anglican ministry that educates, equips, and engages the Anglican Church in fulfilling Scripture's mandate to protect the vulnerable, defend the fatherless, and plead for the widow. Rory Motl leads the group.
The all-volunteer choir was formed in 2008. Amy Crandell organizes the music and leads the rehearsals. Currently, seven St. Francis members devote 45 minutes each Sunday to rehearsing. Our goal is to enhance the music at the 11:00 service with music sung to the glory of God.
Along with the choir, instrumentalists and smaller vocal groups occasionally offer music during the 11:00 service or other special services. Let the music director know if you have a talent to offer.
Christian Education for Youth
Sunday school classes for the youth of St. Francis are held each week at 9:30 between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Classes always center on Biblical stories with activities designed to help the students live the lessons. Missy Bernard leads the program and, along with Denise Gentsch, Sue Orr and Doug Cooper, teach the classes.
Christian Education for Adults
Periodically, Fr. Len leads a class for adults. Typically held on a weekday evening, in past years, the class has been on prayer using Pray in Faith and on the Holy Spirit using The Holy Spirit and You.
Evening Prayer
A weekly Evening Prayer service has been said at St. Francis since at least 2006. Currently led by Jim Crandell with 7-9 in attendance, the service is held at 7 pm each Thursday, using the order of service from the 1928 Prayer Book. Prayers and lessons are said, but Hymns, the Gloria and the canticles are sung without accompaniment.
Games Night
On the first Friday of each month (with some exceptions), a small group of St. Francis friends (generally 4-8 folks) gathers for a light potluck supper followed by a time of a board game or two. All are welcome to join the group for an enjoyable social evening.
Home Groups
The St. Francis Home Groups were formed in 2005 and are still meeting nearly 12 years later - some with the original members! We currently have two home groups with between 4 and 12 members which meet bi-monthly at the private home of one of the members. The format of each group's sessions varies, but prayer, Bible reading, discussion and support are typically present. Currently Claire Ducker and Doug Cooper each host a home group.
Anyone can form a home group. Let Fr. Len know your plans and visit the current home groups to see how they are organized.
Having a bit to eat while visiting after the services has been a St. Francis activity ever since the church first formed. Kim & David Norris volunteer the coordination of the coffee hour, potluck luncheons, and other receptions and gatherings, but a variety of volunteers are needed to supply the snacks. There is a sign-up notebook on the table that always has openings for someone to bring some snacks.
Intercessory Prayer Group
Prayer is the top activity at St. Francis. Towards this, St. Francis has an active Intercessory Prayer Group. Fr. Len and Nancy Giacolone maintain the church's prayer list, receiving requests in a variety of ways - discussion, email, telephone call and by putting a request in the prayer box. Members of the group receive updates via e-mail and all vow to pray each day for each person on the list. Contact either Nancy or. Fr. Len if you wish to be an intercessor. There is a prayer intention box in the back of the Sanctuary if you would like to submit a prayer request.
Mothers' Prayer Group
On the 3rd Thursday of each month, this group of mothers meets to offer prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Petition - with the petition prayers concentration on the families. Contact Charlotte Ready for more information.
Newsletter & Bulletin
The St. Francis Bulletin is published each month. This newsletter is distributed primarily via email, with some copies mailed.
A service bulletin is prepared for each service held at St. Francis to use in the worship service.
Amy Crandell prepares both documents.
St. Francis is blessed to have children who love to play in the nursery during the Sunday services. Nursery coordinator Missy Bernard makes sure that there is always an attendant to watch the children. We are blessed to have Tonia Wu and Gabi Velasco as our attendants. The nursery has a downstairs location for infants and and upstairs room for the older children.
Prayer Service for the Nation
On the first Saturday of each month, a prayer service for our nation is held at 9:00 am in the fellowship area. This group of 4-8 St. Francis members and friends begins and ends with singing a gospel-style hymn. Along with the singing is an opening and closing prayer 7 centers of prayer sandwiched in the middle (Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church, and Family) with each beginning with a jointly read collect, Bible verses and ending with extemporaneous prayers. All are welcome to join us.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Led by Charlotte Ready, this group of men and women work to knit or croquet shawls. Prayers are said while the shawl is being created and then are blessed by the Priest before being given out to anyone who is sick. The recipients are astounded at the power from the shawl when it is wrapped around the shoulders.
Readers or Lectors
At each of the services, a member of the congregation reads the first lesson and the Epistle. Mark Rambin schedules the five readers who take turns reading at the 11:00 service.
St. Claire's Guild
While we all hope that life goes smoothly, St. Clare's Guild is a group of women whose ministry is dedicated to serving our parish family in times of celebration, need, illness or loss. Eileen Cole leads the group.
St. Polycarp's Guild
Originally formed over 10 years ago as an opportunity for the men to gather to smoke meat together for the congregation to enjoy on Memorial Day and Labor Day, the group currently "meets" virtually to organize these events. Jim Crandell has ended up being the organizer, but is looking for other men to step up to actually have events where the men can meet in person.
Service as an usher is an important lay ministry of our parish. By their service, the ushers help to establish a welcoming and reverent atmosphere for worship, they assist in the orderly conduct of the service and they perform record keeping vital to the ongoing operation of the parish. Contact Al Parker if interested in serving.
The St. Francis website is maintained by Jim Crandell and serves as a portal of information to the outside world. Times of upcoming services, our location and the main activities are listed. Most importantly, recordings of sermons are available from the most current recorded Sunday back to January 2002 for anyone to listen to. Click here to email Jim.
Women's Bible Study
From time to time, Becky Hunt conducts a women's Bible study during the day. The Bible study has in the past studied several books of the Bible, mostly in the summer in 8 or 9 week sessions, as well as a couple of Barbara Mouser studies, such as Knowing God and Understanding Men, a study of Genesis and the Patriarchs.
Women of the Church
Led by Susan Rambin, all the women of St. Francis are members of this group. Currently, it functions as the parent group of the St. Francis smaller groups as St. Clare's Guild, Altar Guild, and Women's Bible Study.
Associated with this group are the altar flowers. Every two weeks, fresh flowers are placed on the altar. The current set is then taken to the Retirement and Nursing Center on Burnet Lane for the residents to enjoy. Anyone can make a remembrance for a loved one or a thank offering with the altar flowers at any time during the year, by simply filling out an envelope from the table in the back, then enclose a donation, and leave it in the box on the right side of the back of the Sanctuary.
5th Sunday Nursing Home Service
For the past 10 years, St. Francis has presence at the Retirement and Nursing Center on Burnet Lane. On the afternoon of the 5th Sunday, a small group - currently, Amy & Jim Crandell, Martha Freeman and Claire Ducker - meet the interested residents for an hour of hymns, prayers and Bible readings. All are welcome to join.
Newsletter Submissions
Newsletter articles are gladly accepted for inclusion in the next month's newsletter. E-mail to by the 20th of the month.