St. Clare's Guild
We are a group of parish women whose ministry is dedicated to
serving our parish family in times of celebration, need, illness
or loss. The former "Women of St. Francis" have combined their
efforts into the St. Clare's Guild to better exemplify the more
comprehensive function of our women's mission.
This past year St. Clare's Guild has prepared meals, made phone
calls and sent cards to parishioners that have had an illness,
accident, or lost a loved one. The guild has also been called
upon to help provide food for receptions after memorial and
funeral services.
Too often we learn of a situation after the need has passed. We
would like to encourage parishioners to contact Fr. Cappucci or
any member of the guild so we can offer our service and support.
All calls are held in confidence unless otherwise advised.
We gather twice a year for our more formal business meeting of
the separate committees of the Guild to inform each other of
their concerns and progress. Reports from each committee are
presented and discussed.
Please join us and share in this important contribution to our
parish life.
Eileen Cole, Chair