

Link to Diocese of Fort Worth  
St. Francis Anglican Church, 3401 Oak Creek Dr., Austin, TX
  3401 Oak Creek Dr.
Austin, Texas 78727
(512) 472-7514
  Send mail to:
PO Box 201881
Austin, TX 78720

Traditional, sacramental Anglican worship, using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer


(Social-media-free content)

21st Sun. after Trinity, 10:30AM, Oct. 20, 2024 (Audio only)

20th Sun. after Trinity, 10:30AM, Oct. 13, 2024 (Audio only)

19th Sun. after Trinity, 10:30AM, Oct. 6, 2024 (Audio only)

St. Michael and All Angels, 10:30AM, Sep. 29, 2024 (Audio only)

If you missed Fielder Dowding's memorial service on Saturday, September 28, you can view it here.

No Prayer Book at home? No problem. Here's a PDF you can use. (The Orders for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Holy Communion begin on p. 33, p. 43, and p. 67, respectively.)

Prefer the familiar look? Try this one.

Cradle of Prayer (https://cradleofprayer.org) is a helpful resource you can use every day to help you pray the daily offices. It includes the full text of all the prayers, psalms and lessons, so that you can easily pray along as you listen.

Sunday Schedule:

Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30 AM

Sunday School for youth and adults at 9:30 AM

Healing Service following the 8:30 and 10:30 services

Nursery is staffed beginning at 9:15 AM


Evening Prayer at 7:00 PM

First Saturday of each month:

Prayers for our nation at 10:00 AM

Upcoming events


What's new

Bishop Reed receives 5 parishioners and confirms 9, as well as two from Light of Christ, Georgetown, on June 16, 2024

Join us here!


  Missing something? See some earlier items still of interest.


Welcome to St. Francis!

We welcome you to join us in a warm and friendly setting for true, Christ-centered worship. We maintain the ancient faith of the Church in the Anglican tradition, upholding traditional Christian values based on the Holy Word of God, and are faithful witnesses to the person of Jesus in the Austin community.
St. Francis' liturgical standard is the 1928 Book of Common Prayer—a document which is orthodox in its expression of the Christian faith based on prayers that have been part of catholic worship for 2000 years.
In a world where biblical values seem to change with each new interpretation, St. Francis Anglican Church stands for biblical truth which does not change with each passing generation. If you are concerned about shifting social mores, want to be the Christian that God wants you to be and need guidance on that often difficult path, and want to be challenged each week to work toward that goal, we hope that you will visit and experience our worship and values first hand. 

Parish activities 

  • Weekday Worship Services
      Evening Prayer: Thursdays at 7 p.m. During this simple but beautiful service, the prayers and lessons are said and the canticles are sung without accompaniment. Everyone is welcome to attend.
  • Christian Education
      Sunday school classes are underway for the 2024-25 school year. Classes for all ages meet at 9:30 AM, September through June. There are two classes for youth: one for children in grades 5 and under, and one for grade 6 and beyond. All classes are Biblically based with activities geared to helping the students remember so that they can practice what is taught. There is also a class for adults, running concurrently. All St. Francis members, guests, and friends are warmly welcomed.
  • Prayer Groups
      St. Francis has an active intercessory group. If you would like to place a name on the list, please use the prayer intention box on the south side of the church to submit your request.
      Prayers for the Nation: This monthly service is scheduled for the first Saturday of each month. Join us at 10 AM in the parish hall for hymns, prayers – both printed and extemporaneous – on seven centers of prayer: Government, Church, Family, Military, Education, Business, and Media/Entertainment.
  • St. Francis Home Groups
      Our home groups are ready to welcome anyone who wishes to join them. Please contact Steve McCown, Doug Cooper, or Amy Crandell to inquire as to what their home group is doing. If you would like to host or facilitate a home group or if you have questions about home groups, please contact the Rector.
  • Other Items
      Anglicans For Life: Sponsors activities throughout the year, including 40 Days for Life prayer campaigns, National AFL group activities, supporting the Trotter House, Anglican Rosary for the Unborn, and the annual March for Life. All are welcome to participate in any of these activities.
      Choir: The choristers gather at noon on Sundays to prepare anthems to sing during the 10:30 service from time to time. All singers are welcome.
  • Sermons Online: Sermons are available online. Access the full library from 2002 to the present here.

  • Newsletter: The June, 2024, edition of the newsletter is available online. View it here.
                If you'd like to receive the monthly newsletter by email please contact us.

  • 2024 Readings: View a table of lectionary readings for 2024, or download it as a handy, two-page PDF file.

  • The St. Francis Psalter: The BCP 1928 (Coverdale) Psalter, pointed in American notation for chanting

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