Past weeks' news items
Bishop's visit, June, 2024
 Bishop Reed receives 5 parishioners and confirms 9, as well as two from Light of Christ, Georgetown, on June 16, 2024
Fr. Aaron Cappucci is now officially Rector!
At 10:00AM on Saturday, September 2, 2023, Diocesan Bishop Ryan Reed, assisted by the
Ven. Tom Hightower, Archdeacon, and the Rev. Kerwin Wade, Bishop's chaplain,
visited St. Francis to institute Fr. Cappucci as our Rector, in a beautiful
and thoroughly festive service. Fr. Jason Patterson (Fr. Cappucci's
friend and colleague from St. Mark's in Rydal, PA) was the preacher. So begins
an auspicious new chapter in the life of the Parish.
 From left: Fr. Jason Patterson, the Ven. Tom Hightower, Pam Cappucci, Fr. Aaron Cappucci, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan Reed, the Rev. Kerwin Wade, Mr. Doug Cooper (Sr. Warden)
Bishop Iker visits St. Francis
The Rt. Rev. Jack Leo Iker, Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, made his first
official visit to St. Francis on Sunday, June 5, 2016. He confirmed Carol Jacobs
and Randy Scheer and reaffirmed Sandy Scheer, Clif Drummond, and Pete and Judy
Reinhart at the 11:00 service, where he also celebrated Holy Communion and
preached the
sermon. It was a beautifully festive occasion, especially as the service
was followed by an Italian feast prepared and served by the members of
St. Clare's Guild, in honor of the bishop's visit (and Fr. Len's birthday).
We're in!
At the Diocese's Annual Convention, held at the Anglican Church of St. Peter
and St. Paul in Arlington on Saturday, November 14, 2015, St. Francis
Anglican Church of Austin became a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of
Fort Worth, thus bringing to a close an ecclesial pilgrimage which began in
July of 2014. On this thoroughly festive and joyous occasion, six members of
the parish processed down the aisle between the rows of tables and chairs,
accompanied by enthusiastic applause and cheering from the clergy, delegates
and visitors present, representing all the current parishes of the diocese,
to receive a warm and unmistakably heartfelt welcome from Bishop Iker. We are
excited about the new opportunities for ministry which this affiliation has
opened for us, and we look forward to serving God as the new southern
outpost of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
And a new physical home
On May 1, 2013,
we left behind our old church building on West 9th St. and
entered a new phase of parish life and ministry in temporary
quarters on Burnet Rd. Soon afterward, we purchased the vacant (but by no means
empty) lot at 3401 Oak Creek Dr. In what was actually a rather protracted
process that now seems like a single geometric point compared with the entirety
of space, architect Bill Scarmardo drew up a plan which then underwent several
major revisions in response to parish concerns as to aesthetics, utility, and
cost. But it took the City of Austin to teach us the true meaning of the word
Even that ordeal is behind us now, as the
city issued a building permit on September 25, 2015. The contractors have
reworked their bids, and at this point all systems are GO. Except the weather.
But hey, this is Texas.
Update: How is it coming? Take a look!

The now-famous dirt pile (3/5/2016)

Hey! It's gone! (4/2/2016)

Oh, there it is (west of the driveway). (4/2/2016)

What have we here? The Temple Mound? (5/8/2016)

And we have some lumber (5/8/2016)

And some rebar (5/8/2016)

John Deere, king on the hill. (5/8/2016)

Retaining wall (6/4/2016)

North side (6/4/2016)

A view up the center aisle of the nave (6/4/2016)

Yep, one day soon we're gonna box it up and pour a slab. (6/4/2016)

Uh — maybe not today, though. (6/4/2016)

Got mud? (6/4/2016)

Banished from the hill, John Deere stakes a claim to the parking lot. (6/4/2016)

Rolling fence crashers travel in packs. Heaps. Whatever. (6/4/2016)

At least it's flat — that's something. And there are sunny days in the forcast! (6/4/2016)

The incredible shrinking dirt pile (7/2/2016)

Overview from the west (almost time to pour!) (7/2/2016)

Texas moles take their craft seriously (7/2/2016)

View from the trenches (7/2/2016)

The new organ eschews staid tradition in favor of a lighter, more free-form aesthetic (7/2/2016)

The back forty has seen progress, too (7/2/2016)

We have more lumber — this is good (7/2/2016)

Instant pool: just add water (really cool stuff to retrieve from the bottom, too!) (7/2/2016)

Who can resist a bed of nails? Just bring your anti-grav (7/2/2016)

Backstage area (this set needs a lot of work) (7/2/2016)

John Deere, staying out of trouble this week (7/2/2016)

Whoa, this place looks different! (8/6/2016)

The obligatory shot up the center aisle (8/6/2016)

Reaching heavenward (8/6/2016)

The sanctuary to be (8/6/2016)

The south transcept doorway (long legs recommended) (8/6/2016)

The south hallway (8/6/2016)

The south wall (8/6/2016)

A building to meet your every need, real or imagined (8/6/2016)

Well, at least they didn't send them to 1408 W. 9th! (8/6/2016)

A pile of trusses (8/6/2016)

No admittance, apparently, but you gotta love the checkerboard floor (8/6/2016)

Ah, just what that retaining wall needed (8/6/2016)

The dirt pile — still here, but not getting much attention (8/6/2016)

Stereo pools – with or without Escher-style bank (8/6/2016)

Alas, poor Spool. I knew him, Horatio. (8/6/2016)

Lest we forget—lest we forget! (8/6/2016)

Right up the center aisle (9/3/2016)

Here's the nave, plus a bit (9/3/2016)

South transcept (9/3/2016)

That step is still a killer, though (9/3/2016)

Uh, boys, I think you forgot something (9/3/2016)

It isn't up; it isn't down. It isn't in the nursery; it isn't in the town. (9/3/2016)

Even so, you can get a glimpse of the upper level from here (9/3/2016)

Or of the sanctuary from the, uh, mezzanine (9/3/2016)

Yep, there's still lumber out there (9/3/2016)

Feeling 20 feet tall? Stand right here (9/3/2016)

There's a north wall, now (9/3/2016)

And you can see in the windows (go figure) (9/3/2016)

Back there, too (9/3/2016)

And out the south door (9/3/2016)

And out from the narthex (9/3/2016)

There's a great view to the west (9/3/2016)

Or from the west, for that matter (9/3/2016)

The mild-mannered Gradall replaces John Deere, who was let go after trying to occupy the priest's sacristy (9/3/2016)

The sanctuary end shows promise (9/3/2016)

And it's even possible to get a view of the entire south wall (hey, trees are good) (9/3/2016)

View from the east is nice, too (9/3/2016)

Throughout history, the Church has inspired the greatest works of art (9/3/2016)

Aye, 'ere's wot we'll do. We paint the 'ole place red, see, and we re-shoot this, and we'll call it “Barn and Silo” (9/3/2016)

The dirt pile! It's gone! (10/2/2016)

Oh, there it is. That sucker sure gets around. (10/2/2016)

A different view, every time (10/2/2016)

Right up the center aisle, again (10/2/2016)

The sanctuary, a bit closer (10/2/2016)

Endangered view from the north sacristy (10/2/2016)

Rear of the nave (10/2/2016)

Upstairs, looking outside the box (10/2/2016)

Or into the box (10/2/2016)

Helium balloon repository (10/2/2016)

Peeking out nave windows (10/2/2016)

Corner (10/2/2016)

Still a bit of a door grade issue (10/2/2016)

The angels' entrance offers direct access to classrooms and is left unlocked (10/2/2016)

Longest wall (10/2/2016)

Looking out to the south (10/2/2016)

Excavation has uncovered both the conventional white limestone and the unusual blue calcium conglomerate (10/2/2016)

Despite satisfactory service, Gradall has been ditched for now (10/2/2016)

Hmmm.... No, red is definitely not the right color (10/2/2016)

Looking more and more like a church (11/5/2016)

From this angle, too (11/5/2016)

From the southwest (11/5/2016)

And from the south, it's the little church behind the tree (11/5/2016)

Grade problem solved at the south transcept doorway (11/5/2016)

This one still has issues, however (11/5/2016)

Obligatory center-aisle shot (11/5/2016)

Obviously not Holy Week – the Gospel should be longer (11/5/2016)

View out the north windows (11/5/2016)

West wall of the nave (11/5/2016)

This novel design for a sacristy ceiling is said to be temporary (11/5/2016)

Still lots of open space upstairs (11/5/2016)

This way, too (11/5/2016)

Out the window (11/5/2016)

Oops, parts left over (No, really, they're all in the plan. Somewhere.) (11/5/2016)

Our dogs may run amok, but we've curbed the parking lot (11/5/2016)

Filling a sudden vacancy, John Deere is behaving himself this month (11/5/2016)

Resolved: "soon" is the most ambiguous word in the English language (11/21/2016)

Bell towers, like children, should be seen, not heard (11/21/2016)

North side (11/21/2016)

South side (11/21/2016)

View from the west (11/21/2016)

We cool (12/1/2016)

One of the talented fellows who make all this happen (12/1/2016)

North side at dusk (12/1/2016)

The porch on a rainy day (3/4/2017)

The parking lot passes the crucial water retention test (3/4/2017)

These stairs are for use on Pentecost and martyrs' days only (3/4/2017)

View from southwest, all wet (3/4/2017)

Looks all finished from here (4/8/2017)

Narthex floor (4/8/2017)

Center aisle long shot (4/8/2017)

Narthex (4/8/2017)

Dwindling tile, supplies (4/8/2017)

Sanctuary now (4/8/2017)

Hmmm — thought they had that grade issue licked (4/8/2017)

View out north windows ... (4/8/2017)

... or “in” (4/8/2017)

View out southwest window (4/8/2017)

South hall, downstairs (4/8/2017)

Small upstairs room (4/8/2017)

Utilities in, upstairs (4/8/2017)

Yup, it's black (4/8/2017)

North side (4/8/2017)

South side (4/8/2017)

View from the west (4/8/2017)

More rain. Let's fill the pool (4/8/2017)

Skip the hike; come early (4/8/2017)

Much of the landscaping has long been complete (we had help) (4/8/2017)

Narthex (6/3/2017)

Yet another center aisle shot (6/3/2017)

West end of the nave (6/3/2017)

View out the north windows (6/3/2017)

Fellowship area needs a bit of cleaning (6/3/2017)

Small upstairs room (6/3/2017)

Smaller upstairs room (6/3/2017)

Duct room (6/3/2017)

OK, let's find a big cardboard box (6/3/2017)

Yipes! Stripes! (6/3/2017)

Fortunately, we aren't required to have five of these (6/3/2017)

Beginnings of landscaping: northwest lawn (6/3/2017)

One view from the street (7/1/2017)

Dove window (7/1/2017)

Chi Rho window (7/1/2017)

Hand window (7/1/2017)

North side of the nave (7/1/2017)

Kitchen progress seems slow (7/1/2017)

View from the east (7/1/2017)

The pool will remain closed until the lifeguard perch is installed (7/1/2017)

Yep, more CoA brilliance (7/1/2017)

AT LAST! (7/22/2017)
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